The CRAPome database is available for download as a set of matrix files (one for each organism) and an annotation file . The "matrix" files contain the spectral counts of proteins identified in CRAPome controls. CRAPome controls in these matrices are referenced by their CC-names. The full annotation of all CC-names (including H. sapiens and S. cerevisiae) are available in the annotation files. The annotation file for experiment contains the experiment details and the associated protocol. All the protocols in the database can also be downloaded separately (protocol annotation file). Proteins in CRAPome are referenced by their gene names. However, the matrix files also contain mapped RefSeq Protein IDs, Uniprot IDs, Ensembl Protein IDs and Entrez Gene IDs for convenience. The details of data processing are described in: Mellacheruvu et al, Nature Methods 2013.
Current version of CRAPome: V 2.0
Number of CRAPome controls (H. sapiens) :
Number of CRAPome controls (S. cerevisiae) :
Data : April, 2016.